
Yesterday I was someone. But I always thought that I am Suetha the Indian Classical Dancer. Then today I am Suhana. Day before I was Suet Mun. Welcome to my alter ego page..

Yours truly,
Suhana Suetha

Friday, January 1, 2010

In 2009

Ming weds Suren

I started back on running

Attended my first Indian dance recital / concert watever u call it

Decides to start liking artsy stuff

Tried turning to God for prosperity and help me fend off ghost

Went to Hanoi. No, this is not a boyfriend. Couldn't find any pics with Vietnamese words but this

Working backstage

This is how backstage is. Not the one as pictured above this

Attempted to get rich and bought A lottery ticket

Went to Phuket and it wasn't great.

Went to Berlin and am not impressed with what's around. Maybe I am tired. But definitely better than Phuket!

Watched Man Utd in Bukit Jalil!! Awesome!

Sold off the old car and got a new one

I ventured into the world of guest blogging

And still not getting famous. Yet..

Got to know a lot of virtual friends who is now shopping buddies. yes virtual friends is not about having virtual sex only. There are better things to do also.

Attended my first bazaar

Got hotter

Got hooked into the wonders of maxi

Continued clubbing

Inserted a Cilaq into err...

I still think I am HOT

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