Where art is concerned, anything can be art. Everything an be artistically done up.
The artistic bunny with a darn expensive nose
If you can call your piece of junk an art, then it will be an art. On anywhere, anyhow.
Vandalism is not vandalism for the sake of art
And so that is Art For Grab to start the year.
pic stolen from Sha-Lene
I have always wanted to attend it since last year when I saw from the Annexe Gallery email updates. I was expecting it to be very 'Urbanscapes'. Which I don't think it is. I don't know. In fact... I have never been to Urbanscapes, but this year I will definitely want to go! Nevetheless Art For Grab is still artsy.
With veneered wooden flooring and air-conditioned, hosted by artsy people, attended by all sorts of people, and mostly queer ones =D
And our artistic journey begins...
*pic stolen form Sha-Lene again*
There weren't THAT many stalls to begin with. But quality matters. So is quirkiness. Which is sufficient to take you at least 2 hours to roam. Back and forth to the same stalls again and again. And again. Becasue there are just too many quirky things to splurge, whether as impulse or necessity to quench the thirst for art :P
Like in this particular stall which I have roamed and stopped for at least 8 times because the Allergy t-shirt which is sooo me to wear and make a statement! But after going in for The Naked Civil Servant, I was roaming for a while before leaving, and I forgot the initial intention to get the t-shirt =( No intention, but I really have forgotten because Quentin Crisp have left such an impact!
I forgotten to ask how much is per card but checked the website. Starts from RM18 onwards. For something that most probably your fidgety fingers won't be able to craft out, leave it to Ambriel Craft to do the work and stop sending me cheap e-cards! =D
Jika Karya itu suatu ceritera,
Maka hiburkanlah hamba yang kebosanan
Sekiranya karya itu suatu seni
Maka hadiahkan lah hamba kemeja berseni!
I would think that Karya is the name of this silk screen stall as there is an almost un-noticeable KARYA word glued to the wall, 3 feet above ground level. And most of their silk screen templates too screams KARYA. And thye have just given me a great idea on something that I want to attempt in near future =D
Artsy people who do not mind taking all the time to make hand-made note pads and frames. Again, not for the fat fingers
Then we headed to the kopitiam wanting to get something to eat.. but hey! Onle lemon served. To be precise, HALF A LEMON (stupid pun)
I remember doing stuffs like this in college when I was pursuing my Architecture course. Again, not for fat fingers. I didn't fail in the course of doing it, but I totally hate doing it. It aint easy making window panels smaller than your nostril.
But when you have HALF A LEMON and a set of small fingers perhaps, you can do all this! I don't exactly know what they as their site is fully in Chinese, but I managed to grab a clearer picture of what they do. I guess miniature modelling.

Bunnies and trinkets all handmade from Miss Ireen, whom I do not know of and forgotten to take a card =D
This shop, we have also roamed around for another 5 or 6 times or even 9 to 12 times perhaps. Too hard to resist quirky fancy adorable accessories! Thinking back I should have die die also get that square thing wiht a woman and a ciggie thing. It's a set of cufflinks. Which... yah, we women may have no use But hey! I can always tailor a working blouse with a cuff holder! Stupid!
Pendants, rings, earrings, necklaces and even cufflinks!
I would call this The Depression stall =D
*pic stolen from Sha-Lene*
mind blowing toilet signals from FulFlea
Which also prompted me to buy my purchases there;
Blowjob earring (yes! an earring!) and the ribbony cute earring -__-
I love blowjob my 'blowjob' earrings! I may not wear it since it really does look a bit out for my matured age, but still a nice collection to have =D
Of course, one of the main intention of me going to Art for Grabs is also to grab Dr Farish's book which I have always longed for. I wanted to get his batik compilation, but it will only be ready by year end, and so says Mr Amir Muhammad, the publisher =D
My teacher really never told me anything I have to resort to Dr Farish =D
Body to Body - the gay book which I am enjoying!
And i got a free book from my purchase =D
Publisher of Matahari Books, Amir Muhammad
*pic stolen from Sha-Lene*
The girls flanking the guy in FLOWER shirt are hardcore fans. Who have roamed around 3 times, pretending to be interested ins ome book, pretending to want to get some books, but realised it's out of the budget and pretending to look at books that most probably they find boring and eventually walked off. Picture credits to me as I went over and tapped his shoulder and asked for a picture. For the fans. Not me =(
Happy with my intelligent purchase
We also headed to the movie screening of The Naked Civil Servant, which introduces me to Quentin Crisp. Which makes me a fanatic of the queer. Which makes me ponder if I am a heterosexual or a bisexual. Yes I do ponder about my sexual inclination sometimes =D
Later we had some after movie discussion by this 2 fella;
Sha's lecturer - Mr Benjamin MacKay and the famous Shelah- Edwin Sumun =)
I would like to end the post with the most intelligent quote from Mr Quentin
My definition of the quote:
If you got it flaunt it,
if you still do not have it, still flaunt it,
before it sags and sunken and u will really have none..
bodycon from Moiclosette
weird toga from Oops Treat
And yeah, it's pretty addictive. So is online shopping.