All my weekend are spent on napping. Waking up and nibbled on some biscuits and nap again.
Then it's back to the work station.
I do think hard.
I seriously do.
Why the hell am I not able to finish up any work ever?
Took half a day off.
Cancelled that half day.
Forgot someone coming for interview.
Wanted to sew a doll's dress for my lil' monsters.
E mails, text messages keep coming.
Request, instructions. pleas
Thought I need to pen down all work in the to-do list.
Stretched till March 2015.
It's only Jan 2015 now.
I am slowly phasing out from human interaction.
Sometimes I wish I had someone to talt to.
To rant, gossip without the political intent to kill
To tell stories of stupidity and to ignite some determination.
I have been avoiding making proper sentences over here
Cus it may not end
I haven't been to YSK for the past 2 weeks
I wonder if the domain still exist
I am tired
Just tired
Without even a full stop
no, i am not kidding
how's my impression as the FLOM?