There really isn't much for me to update now that I have only work to spend my life into :(
I am not complaining, literally. (opened a box of grape in the fridge and there's cottony mold)
Because after all, I do find joy in work and powering up the mind to something that can be measured.
Can't be btiching much also in case my humble lil' post are made known to those who is under the same roof - despite the smattering of English that they can master -_-
It's not great it's not a total failure, but there obviously is something wrong with how things is supposed to go about. I don't get how they operate, neither do they get why I act in certain manner. But then, sometimes i don't know why I act in certain manner too. Of late, I take longer time to think of my act to cover all concern and trying to ensure I don't wreck balls like Miley :(
I am listening to a long emo story of a 90 years old granny who will be sent to the old folks home by the 5 well to-do children, despite her ability to be able to walk and lead her own life. Such is life that we will not be able to predict what life will bring in to us ;(
For a moment, I cried. I don't know what is in front for me. I don't know to what extend I will live my life. I hate to think about what lies 24 months ahead. I believe I don't have the ability to do so. Because I equally hate to self-dissapoint if what I have in mind does not meet with what is about to occur.
Life is sometimes not complicated if you choose not to be, but there is this inadequate feeling that sometimes drives you to believe that life isn't that breezy as we want it to be.
Perhaps I am tired. My boss said I am negative :( perghhhhhh....
Perhaps I am at times. I don't know too. Perhaps I am just a lil' bit expressive, I would like to assume =D
Perhaps I work best when stressed.
After reading about the Yakult ladies, I felt like I want to be one too!
I just don't know what's wrong with me.
Perhaps it's a warm Saturday and I have yet to down any scrambled egg down my throat and I am feeling a that lil' bit of sting from my tooth ;(
preparing for another blogpost in YourShoppingKaki and joining the HTC Halloween Snap-a-pic
Lunch today was meh....half way thru it, it was all soaked up..
Why is The Big Bang Theory so amazingly funny!?
And to end this post;
Have a better week than mine yeah! :)