
Yesterday I was someone. But I always thought that I am Suetha the Indian Classical Dancer. Then today I am Suhana. Day before I was Suet Mun. Welcome to my alter ego page..

Yours truly,
Suhana Suetha

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am Back

nope, i am not asleep

from that long week in Berlin... with no symptoms of jet lagged.. I supposed all lazy people will never suffer from jet lag.. since napping is their leisure activity.. how hard to adjust?
It was a long week of work and lots of eating. I do nt know why we are advised to eat a lot. maybe because we need the energy to work and maybe because of the weather which is freaking freezing but not snowing .. but to pack in silence 0f 15 hard boiled eggs, 12 bottles of yogurt drinks, 5 plain bread, 4 more sets of breads with scramble eggs, a plastic foil filled with a variety of ham, 2 fistful of butter and some other assortment which I may not be aware of ,during the buffet breakfast is a bit overly Asian of us, don't ya think so? :) before someone masterminded the silence packing we had the equally the same amount if not more food than the packing.. in fact i think it shud be more, as we are not able to pack the pancakes without soiling it, the mango and kiwi ( which i ate alot since its expensive in Malaysia) dipped in yogurt with blueberry sauce, the Vienna sausages, the 100 types of cheese, the 100 types of fish in different assortment from grilled salmon to pickled dory and stuffs.. the 10 types of cereals and muesli, the 5 more types of mult vitamins juices, the omg so freaking delicious grilled button mushroom, the continuos flowing of beer, wine, and anything alcohol for breakfast??, and the variety of bread which may look the same as those in KL, but taste lots, lots better.. so.. anyway, thats what we had for breakfast..

the buffet spread from over the table where we did our silence packing :)

all cleared up, the greedy Asian culture

As for the food we packed, its for the in between break and dinner.. not forgetting there are boxes of maggi instant noodles in the room along with packets of crackers, nice cookies from the Netherlands, fruit platter, packs of necafes and milos and a counter of alcohol with ciggies included :D

yup, that's just how much we had in a day...greedy Asian..

1 comment:

  1. hey didnt know you went to was it..miss vanthana must be thinking that i went missing...i was away for course then was away to kuching yest and next whole month of april and may cant make it..(april mom on holiday to china and end of april i have another important course and as well as departing to vietnam)....arggg...can you get me vanthana's account number so i can bank in her feb dead meatlah....whr are your berlin picture...was it snowing???


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