
Yesterday I was someone. But I always thought that I am Suetha the Indian Classical Dancer. Then today I am Suhana. Day before I was Suet Mun. Welcome to my alter ego page..

Yours truly,
Suhana Suetha

Friday, July 11, 2008

Muscular Buns :P

Today is the most fleshy time i've had since the last Doha Games and KL Fespic 06.
Ya, Olympic is coming and the Malaysia contingent need to once again waste the tax payers money to adorn themselves in exorbitantly pricey 'one time show off' garment.

For another year they will be donning the ' harimau belang' wear .. and as usual its measurement time!! :P slurp!

ya, i have developed some obsession towards finding out ppl's anatomy.... and u can really find out quite a lot by doing costume measurement.. O_o
well... at least u get to know some crotch sizes ...

i got to do the measurement for Malaysia's only hope ; the badminton team... dominated by skinny ah bengs.. tho ah bngs but affordably good looking ones... and soon to become millionaire shall they be able to clinch a gold back... do u also know if ever anyone manage to get a gold, their lifetime pension would be RM5000 a month? U_U i shud have try to devel;op liking for balls since infantry... then maybe i can vie for it too...

I have no idea how are professional tailors do their measurement. ut do u think its wrong for me to poke someone back side to check if that hump is actually a wallet or merely a hump??
well, i accidentally mistaken Lee Chong Wei's hump for a wallet :P sorry ya dude..

These are also something i noticed ;

amazingly sporty ppl who sweat seems to have nice sweat of no odour....

why does the Taekwondo manager look like a rhinoceros?

why does the football coach have a burly stomach wen he is supposed to train?

why does the athletes looked so 'kampung' ?


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